Food Is Life
This is the podcast for you if your answer is “yes” to any of these: 1) You’re a Yo-Yo dieter, burnt out, stuck, desperate2) You want to know more about the science behind weight loss 3) You want a laugh and a half (two laughs would be over promising)4) You’re seeking inspiration to become better at prioritising you and your health5) You want to get to know myself and/ or Jambo on a more personal level
61 episodes
#61 Tackling the "All or Nothing" Mindset
Do you have one bad day, then let that turn into a week, or even months? Or maybe you're good for a while then lose motivation so end up giving up and back to square one before you know it? This episode is for YOU. Enjoy :)

#60 Does Everyone Binge?
Steph reckons 99.5% of humans have hidden a food wrapper sometime in their life. Is she right? Binging can be defined on a spectrum, but the most important message to take away is you're a human being not a robot, and you can't let one bad mome...

#59 Male Vs Female Calorie Deficits
Have you ever wondered why males lose weight easier than females? Or why their calorie target is so much higher than their female counterparts? Today we explain why the differences in muscle mass, activity level and generally being male vs fema...

#58 You DON'T Need Another Diet!
Before you embark on another diet you've found on the Internet, or Sandra from accounts has had some success on, listen to this episode. Not only will it ensure next time around you lose weight, you'll keep it off forever, but we'll explain how...

#57 1200 Calorie Diets = NO
Are you currently on a 1200 calorie diet and it's not working? Or you've tried a 1200 calorie diet and actually put on weight? Let us explain WHY that's happening, and the 2 simple steps you can effortlessly take to stop that. It's an episode a...

#56 Expert Ross: Building Gym Confidence
Are you new to the gym and feeling a bit overwhelmed? Or maybe you're a keen gym visitor but want to double check your programming is suitable for your goals? Ross has some wildly great advice that has the ability to sky rocket your fitness and...

#55 Managing Hunger Whilst Dieting
What's the cut off point to how hungry you should feel when dieting? We will introduce pleasure vs productive snacks to you today, and you'll leave with a good idea of what size calorie deficit will work specifically for YOU and your hunger lev...

#54 Aunt Flow's Guide To Losing Weight
When dieting, do you allow for your emotions and hunger levels to be different, depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle? This podcast episode we discuss how to deal with shark week cravings, and how to continue losing weight despite ...

# 53 Lose Weight & Maintain Your Social Life
If you think dieting means you have to be boring and it's impossible to eat outAnd you're keen to learn how to maintain a social life surrounded by and enjoying food and drink whilst losing 1-2lb a week, every week, then this episode is...

#52 Eat The Frog
The biggest question of all is how do we keep up with our weight loss goals beyond January? It's easy to stay on track and consistent when you're motivated, but what about when you're not. Jambo uses his new hairline as the primary example, and...

#51 Expert Zoe: Empowering Females To Lift Weights
If you're a lady that's scared of getting too bulky, or currently someone who's only form of exercise is cardio and wants to mix things up, this episode is for you. Zoe explains the long term health benefits of regularly lifting weights, how to...

#50 For the Stressy Sally's
STRESS impacts us all, and we can't avoid that human fact. But the sticking point is, it impacts us all in different ways, at different times and food.. well.. that's a whole nutrition science text book in itself. Your takeaway from this episod...

#49 Trust Me. You Haven't Plateaued
Some yo-yo dieters are convinced they've plateaued, when there's one key thing they've overlooked. Others that have actually plateaued, forgot about the all important macro cycling and diet breaks. Be ready for a little bit of science-y numbers...

#48 Karen - A VERY Social Lean Bean Managing a Calorie Deficit
World, meet Karen. The most sociable human on the planet that was terrified of carbohydrates and thought exercise was the best way to lose weight. This episode you'll hear how Steph has brainwashed Karen and helped her become the smallest, happ...

#47 Expert Travis: on Negative Self Talk
You've lost weight before, in fact lots of times.. but never manage to keep it off. Instead of diving into yet another diet, maybe it's time to focus on training your mind, on understanding your thoughts, feelings and emotions around your journ...

#46 Intuitive Eating Probably Isn't For You
We've got a strong passionate opinion on the buzz phase "intuitive eating" and we want to help you understand our reasons. We discuss Jo's 6 year Lean Bean journey intertwined with telling you how much Jambo weighs and why. If you're a cereal y...

#45 If You're Confused About WHAT To Eat
In this episode Jambo and I differ on opinion, let us know if you can feel the tension!! Is 3 protein shakes a day too much if you're trying to lose weight? What about protein bars, they are expensive? What's the minimum amount of fish we shoul...

#44 Expert Emma: Should We Be Teaching Weight Management in Schools?
Some will say, "just let kids be kids," and others will ask you to look at the data of the ever growing number of overweight and obese children. Today I spoke to Emma, an experienced primary school teacher and an outright very intelligent human...

#43 Enjoy a Holiday Without Ruining Your Progress
You've been working hard and staying consistent for months. The scales are moving, and your body is shrinking, but you're worried about undoing all that hard work by going on holiday. Well let us explain how to navigate your holiday and stay on...

#42 How To Use Caffeine As a Dieting Tool
Caffeine gets a bad reputation, but let's face it we all love it! And the best news of all is you can use that love to your advantage to help with your weight loss. Nope, I didn't say speed it up, but it can help! So listen in closely and start...

#41 Expert Claire on Building a Robust Mindset
Do you struggle to say no the dessert when your friends are saying "one won't hurt." Or maybe you find it difficult to prioritise yourself at all? From that to understanding why your self esteem might be the biggest player in holding you back f...

#40 Why Are You Lying To Yourself?
Have you lost some weight and now become complacent? Or maybe you've been tracking calories, but deep down you know it's only half heartedly.. here's your official kick up the booty!www.foodisl...

#39 Managing Your Nutrition + Exercise When Ill
Life is hard when you're feeling under the weather. Should you keep exercising and how much does vitamin C really help? www.foodislifenutrition.comFacebook:

#38 Expert Danny: How Many Days Until It Becomes A Habit?
Today we speak to Danny on all things habits. How to create them, how to maintain them, what's realistic and what's not. How important really, are habits if we want to lose weight and keep it off forever? We find it all out today! Enjoy a...