Food Is Life
This is the podcast for you if your answer is “yes” to any of these: 1) You’re a Yo-Yo dieter, burnt out, stuck, desperate2) You want to know more about the science behind weight loss 3) You want a laugh and a half (two laughs would be over promising)4) You’re seeking inspiration to become better at prioritising you and your health5) You want to get to know myself and/ or Jambo on a more personal level
Food Is Life
#52 Eat The Frog
Steph and Jambo
The biggest question of all is how do we keep up with our weight loss goals beyond January? It's easy to stay on track and consistent when you're motivated, but what about when you're not. Jambo uses his new hairline as the primary example, and you'll finish listening to this episode inspired because it makes sense - buzz lightyear style. Okay.. for any of that to make sense, whatever time of year you're reading this, if you struggle with any sort of long term consistency, this episode is for you. ENJOY!
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Instagram: @jambo.the.great
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